James: A Living Faith – Kidsway https://kidsway.ca Help kids stay on the way of the King! Thu, 11 May 2023 05:07:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 This podcast is geared for children of all ages, but teens and adults will no doubt be blessed as well because our content is Biblically based timeless truths that God has given for our growth and progress in the faith. May it be a helpful tool as we seek to walk faithful upon the narrow path of King Jesus! Redeeming Grace Studios false episodic Redeeming Grace Studios © Kidsway 2023 © Kidsway 2023 podcast Helping Kids Stay on the Way of the King! TV-G Fairview, Alberta Fairview, Alberta Weekly Pastor Aaron Concluding James (KW) https://kidsway.ca/2023/05/11/concluding-james-kw/ https://kidsway.ca/2023/05/11/concluding-james-kw/#respond Thu, 11 May 2023 05:07:46 +0000 https://kidsway.ca/?p=1994 In this episode we take some time to read through the whole letter from James and then just go through some concluding thoughts about the final verses in this incredible letter. I pray it is a blessing to you!

https://kidsway.ca/2023/05/11/concluding-james-kw/feed/ 0 In this episode we take some time to read through the whole letter from James and then just go through some concluding thoughts about the final verses in this incredible letter. I pray it is a blessing to you! In this episode we take some time to read through the whole letter from James and then just go through some concluding thoughts about the final verses in this incredible letter. I pray it is a blessing to you! Redeeming Grace Studios full false 33:20
Praying for the Sick (part 2) https://kidsway.ca/2023/05/01/praying-for-the-sick-part-2/ https://kidsway.ca/2023/05/01/praying-for-the-sick-part-2/#respond Mon, 01 May 2023 22:23:19 +0000 https://kidsway.ca/?p=1982 In this episode we continue with our study in the letter from James. Sickness can refer to both phyiscal illness, or spiritual weakness and bondage due to unconfessed sin. James gives us clear instruction on what to do in such times, and wonderful promises when we humbly come to God in prayer and seek help from the church body. We also see in Elijah a powerful example of prayer in the history of Israel.

https://kidsway.ca/2023/05/01/praying-for-the-sick-part-2/feed/ 0 In this episode we continue with our study in the letter from James. Sickness can refer to both phyiscal illness, or spiritual weakness and bondage due to unconfessed sin. James gives us clear instruction on what to do in such times, In this episode we continue with our study in the letter from James. Sickness can refer to both phyiscal illness, or spiritual weakness and bondage due to unconfessed sin. James gives us clear instruction on what to do in such times, and wonderful promises when we humbly come to God in prayer and seek help from the church body. We also see in Elijah a powerful example of prayer in the history of Israel. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 29:05
Praying for the Sick (part 1) https://kidsway.ca/2023/04/24/praying-for-the-sick-part-1/ https://kidsway.ca/2023/04/24/praying-for-the-sick-part-1/#respond Mon, 24 Apr 2023 17:05:09 +0000 https://kidsway.ca/?p=1961 In this episode we continue our study in the letter of James. Sickness, either spiritually or physically, can be a scary time and yet we see that God’s Word is not silent on what to do in such times. We must be willing to humble ourselves and ask for help, and we also need to start with receiving prayer on our behalf. This passage in James also raises some tough questions, and so we tackle one of those questions with a look at anointing oil specifically.

https://kidsway.ca/2023/04/24/praying-for-the-sick-part-1/feed/ 0 In this episode we continue our study in the letter of James. Sickness, either spiritually or physically, can be a scary time and yet we see that God's Word is not silent on what to do in such times. We must be willing to humble ourselves and ask for... In this episode we continue our study in the letter of James. Sickness, either spiritually or physically, can be a scary time and yet we see that God's Word is not silent on what to do in such times. We must be willing to humble ourselves and ask for help, and we also need to start with receiving prayer on our behalf. This passage in James also raises some tough questions, and so we tackle one of those questions with a look at anointing oil specifically. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 30:38
A Call to Pray (KW) https://kidsway.ca/2023/04/17/a-call-to-pray-kw/ https://kidsway.ca/2023/04/17/a-call-to-pray-kw/#respond Mon, 17 Apr 2023 21:14:06 +0000 https://kidsway.ca/?p=1953 In this episode we consider Jame’s call to pray in all seasons of life. We don’t want to just come to God when we need something, or when we are struggling. We can certainly come in those times as well, but James wants us to come to God in all season of life, trusting that He hears us through Christ our faithful High Priest.

https://kidsway.ca/2023/04/17/a-call-to-pray-kw/feed/ 0 In this episode we consider Jame's call to pray in all seasons of life. We don't want to just come to God when we need something, or when we are struggling. We can certainly come in those times as well, but James wants us to come to God in all season... In this episode we consider Jame's call to pray in all seasons of life. We don't want to just come to God when we need something, or when we are struggling. We can certainly come in those times as well, but James wants us to come to God in all season of life, trusting that He hears us through Christ our faithful High Priest. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 24:49
Let Your Yes Be Yes! https://kidsway.ca/2023/03/27/let-your-yes-be-yes/ https://kidsway.ca/2023/03/27/let-your-yes-be-yes/#respond Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:53:48 +0000 https://kidsway.ca/?p=1907 In the early church, many people thought they had figured out a way to get away with lying. They made promises they didn’t think they had to keep! And yet, we see that James and Jesus and the Scripture as a whole, tells us to let our “yes” be yes and “no” be no, God is truth and He desires that His children speak the truth in all we say. Listen in to learn more about what God’s Word has to say about oaths and vows and walking in truth, looking to Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life!

https://kidsway.ca/2023/03/27/let-your-yes-be-yes/feed/ 0 In the early church, many people thought they had figured out a way to get away with lying. They made promises they didn't think they had to keep! And yet, we see that James and Jesus and the Scripture as a whole, In the early church, many people thought they had figured out a way to get away with lying. They made promises they didn't think they had to keep! And yet, we see that James and Jesus and the Scripture as a whole, tells us to let our "yes" be yes and "no" be no, God is truth and He desires that His children speak the truth in all we say. Listen in to learn more about what God's Word has to say about oaths and vows and walking in truth, looking to Jesus who is the way, the truth and the life! Redeeming Grace Studios full false 13:43