Camp Messages – Kidsway Help kids stay on the way of the King! Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:16:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 This podcast is geared for children of all ages, but teens and adults will no doubt be blessed as well because our content is Biblically based timeless truths that God has given for our growth and progress in the faith. May it be a helpful tool as we seek to walk faithful upon the narrow path of King Jesus! Redeeming Grace Studios false episodic Redeeming Grace Studios © Kidsway 2023 © Kidsway 2023 podcast Helping Kids Stay on the Way of the King! TV-G Fairview, Alberta Fairview, Alberta Weekly Pastor Aaron Created for Good Works (9 of 9) Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:16:20 +0000 In this message we consider the evidence of true faith, which is works done unto God in the strength of Spirit. We see how we are saved from the curse of the law, but then made able to walk according to the law to the praise of God’s glorious grace.

]]> 0 In this message we consider the evidence of true faith, which is works done unto God in the strength of Spirit. We see how we are saved from the curse of the law, but then made able to walk according to the law to the praise of God's glorious grace. In this message we consider the evidence of true faith, which is works done unto God in the strength of Spirit. We see how we are saved from the curse of the law, but then made able to walk according to the law to the praise of God's glorious grace. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 34:14
The Covenant with Israel (7 of 9) Tue, 12 Sep 2023 16:46:46 +0000 In this message, we look more closely at the Covenant that God established with Moses and the people of Israel at Mount Sinai. It is important to understand the conditions of the covenant and how it also helps to prepare the way for Christ to come and be received.

]]> 0 In this message, we look more closely at the Covenant that God established with Moses and the people of Israel at Mount Sinai. It is important to understand the conditions of the covenant and how it also helps to prepare the way for Christ to come and... In this message, we look more closely at the Covenant that God established with Moses and the people of Israel at Mount Sinai. It is important to understand the conditions of the covenant and how it also helps to prepare the way for Christ to come and be received. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 34:05
God’s Covenant With Abraham (6 of 9) Mon, 04 Sep 2023 16:05:20 +0000 In this message we take some time to look at God’s covenant with Abraham. This is one of the most important covenants in the Old Testament, for in it we see God’s gracious plan of salvation unfolding as he sets aside a man from whom the Messiah will come and also demonstrates that salvation comes by grace through faith in His promises!

]]> 0 In this message we take some time to look at God's covenant with Abraham. This is one of the most important covenants in the Old Testament, for in it we see God's gracious plan of salvation unfolding as he sets aside a man from whom the Messiah will c... In this message we take some time to look at God's covenant with Abraham. This is one of the most important covenants in the Old Testament, for in it we see God's gracious plan of salvation unfolding as he sets aside a man from whom the Messiah will come and also demonstrates that salvation comes by grace through faith in His promises! Redeeming Grace Studios full false 33:29
God’s Covenant With Noah (5 of 9) Mon, 28 Aug 2023 15:23:18 +0000 In this message we look at God’s Covenant with Noah. The effects of sin permeate everything man does and soon the world is so corrupt and filled with evil that God decides to destroy everything with a global flood. However, we also see a picture of grace as God warns Noah and his family and instructs them to build a massive ark through which they will be saved. This is 5 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in the summer of 2023.

]]> 0 In this message we look at God's Covenant with Noah. The effects of sin permeate everything man does and soon the world is so corrupt and filled with evil that God decides to destroy everything with a global flood. However, In this message we look at God's Covenant with Noah. The effects of sin permeate everything man does and soon the world is so corrupt and filled with evil that God decides to destroy everything with a global flood. However, we also see a picture of grace as God warns Noah and his family and instructs them to build a massive ark through which they will be saved. This is 5 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in the summer of 2023. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 32:40
The Creation of Man and Woman (3 of 9) Mon, 14 Aug 2023 22:43:39 +0000 In this message, we look specifically at the creation of man and woman as the capstone of God’s creation. In a world that is battling for equality on all fronts, we see that God gave us the only true basis for equality and that is in the revelation that we are made as His image bearers. Furthermore, the distinctions biologically and functionally are not results of the fall, but rather the perfect designs of an all wise and good creator.

]]> 0 In this message, we look specifically at the creation of man and woman as the capstone of God's creation. In a world that is battling for equality on all fronts, we see that God gave us the only true basis for equality and that is in the revelation th... In this message, we look specifically at the creation of man and woman as the capstone of God's creation. In a world that is battling for equality on all fronts, we see that God gave us the only true basis for equality and that is in the revelation that we are made as His image bearers. Furthermore, the distinctions biologically and functionally are not results of the fall, but rather the perfect designs of an all wise and good creator. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 30:31
The God of Creation (2 of 9) Tue, 08 Aug 2023 15:32:02 +0000 This is part 2 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in 2023. The theme was “saved” and we worked our way through creation and the various covenants that God established working our way to Christ and the Covenant of Grace.

]]> 0 This is part 2 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in 2023. The theme was “saved” and we worked our way through creation and the various covenants that God established working our way to Christ and the Covenant of Grace. This is part 2 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in 2023. The theme was “saved” and we worked our way through creation and the various covenants that God established working our way to Christ and the Covenant of Grace. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 39:17
What is the Bible Mon, 31 Jul 2023 23:05:58 +0000 This is part 1 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in 2023. The theme was “saved” and we worked our way through creation and the various covenants that God established working our way to Christ and the Covenant of Grace.

]]> 0 This is part 1 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in 2023. The theme was "saved" and we worked our way through creation and the various covenants that God established working our way to Christ and the Covenant of Grace. This is part 1 of 9 messages preached at Riverside Bible Camp in 2023. The theme was "saved" and we worked our way through creation and the various covenants that God established working our way to Christ and the Covenant of Grace. Redeeming Grace Studios full false 27:53